Afghan Union Transport Logistics provides timely, reliable and cost-effective Transportation and Logistics Solutions to customers across the globe.

  • Logistics & Transportation

    Afghan Union Transport and Logistics provides timely, reliable and cost-effective Transportation and Logistics Solutions to customers across the globe.

  • Fuel Supply

    As part of any potential turn-key fuel supply chain solution, AUTL is able to design, construct, commission and operate fuel storage facilities such as Fuel Farms and Bulk Fuel Installations (BFI).

  • Aviation and Bowser

    As an independent operator, AUTL combines low overheads with competitive supply arrangements with several major fuel producers based around the Afghanistan.

Why Choose Afghan Union? We’ll Tell You!

  • Reaching out to every major city in Afghanistan.
  • We offer various warehousing services that are co-operative.
  • largest independent transportation and logistics company provides a full range of domestic and international air, land and sea capabilities.
  • We specialize in helping small and mid-sized businesses manage their international shipments and all aspects of international trade
  • It is solely owned by Afghan Nationals but has Western educated and experienced Management Personnel in key operational position.
  • We combine the art and science that goes into improving the way your company finds the raw components it needs to make a product or service and deliver it to customers.


    Afghan Union

    Machines and equipment are goods characterised by an exceptionally long service life.



    By applying our

    innovative multi-user concepts, we reduce your fixed costs and compensate for seasonal fluctuations.


    Professional Staff

    Our Staff of well

    trained Global Logistics experts will be able to answer all of your questions and solve your complex International Transportation needs.


    Science & Business

    We combine the art

    and science that goes into improving the way your company finds the raw components it needs to make a product or service and deliver it to customers.

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